
How To Install A Wet Bar Sink

Setting up a bar sink is essential for an efficient working station. Otherwise, you will have to take up the bar mats, glasses, and other washable accessories to the kitchen sink. This would not seem like such a task to you for the first time around. But if you are a working owner of a bar, you will need a bar sink.

Even if you have an in-house bar, you will still need a wet bar sink installed. This will make it easier for you to operate in the bar. Let's figure out an easy way to install a bar sink.

Step By Step Guide

Knowing the position of the water lines is essential for any sink installation. If it is your workplace or your house, make sure you know where the plumbing lines lie. Or, at least have the blueprints at hand. This will save you from having additional plumbing mishaps.

Step 1: Line the sink placement

If you have purchased the sink, it likely came with a template that should help you map out the measurements efficiently. However, if there is no template, measure the dimensions of the sink you have at hand. Make sure you take the dimensions from the outer rim of the sink.

Mark the straight edges that you have laid out with precision on your countertop. Don't forget to decrease the box's size by ½ inch and ¾ inch from all other sides. This is essential for the sink fit. Otherwise, your sink will fall through the countertop when you try to mount it.

Step 2: Drill holes along the lines

Fix the paddle bit to your drill before you start drilling. Make sure you drill in one corner. Position the drill bit in such a way that it does not cross the lines drawn. Drill through the traced line.

Step 3: Cut out a hole

The other three corners of the drawn box layout need to reflect the shape of the sink. This is essential for categorizing the right fit. You should curve the traced lines. These lines are more comfortable to cut with the help of a jigsaw. Position the jigsaw blade on the traced lines and cut along the drawn measurements.

Don't go too fast while cutting. It would help if you were confident with your handling. You can always stop mid-cut to reposition your blade. Start again with a better, more suitable angle.

Step 4: Place the sink in place

Lower down the sink carefully. Make sure that its rim is appropriately in place, and the countertop supports it. This step is essential to determine the correct measurements. This is not the final installation. It is only the preliminary examination of the box dimensions before proper installation procedures.

Step 5: Setting up the drain flange

Before sealing the sink, you will need to install the drain flanges. Even though you can install these flanges, it is easier to do it while the sink is still in a vertical position. You will have to crawl beneath the surface. Use Plumber's putty to seal the drain flange in place. Once it is correctly sealed into place at the bottom of the sink, roll out the putty and work it in play. Place it on the underside of the drain flange and firmly press it into position.

Step 6: Installing the drain gaskets

For this step, you will have to turn the sink over. You need access to the drain stem to do this step. The bar sink comes with appropriate gaskets that help set it in place. The manufacturers give the directions for installation along with the sink.

These gaskets vary concerning sink design. Once the drain gaskets are installed, you need to cover the drain stem. Lastly, mount a locking ring in place.

Step 7: Install your faucets.

This step is relatively more comfortable, even though it seems like quite a task. It would help if you positioned the Plumber's putty around the lip while sliding the stem in place. It is likely that the sink already has a designated hole in place for the faucet set. You can always cut holes to customize your bar-top sink design.

Fix your washer in the right place and tighten the nuts with an adjustable jaw wrench. This is necessary to bolt the faucet set in place.

Step 8: Final installation of the sink

Now you need to seal the sink in place. Line the inside of the cut-out in the countertop with an appropriate sealant. A continuous bead of caulk sealant is an excellent option to go for. Lower the sink onto the countertop. Make sure all its sides are aligned correctly before fixing it in place.

Once the sink is in place, allow the sealant to dry off. Remove any excess sealant that may be oozing out. Check the seal for any inconsistencies that need to be fixed.

Step 9: Hook up the plumbing to your bar sink.

Align the water lines to your bar sink to get a bit working. This is the final step to test out your sink's proper installation.

Best Bar Sink Materials

Owing to demand, various materials can be incorporated for bar sink design and layout.

Stainless steel

This is probably the most commonly used material for sink design. It gives the bar a modern finish. Its sleek finish stands out in any space, whether you are mounting it on a granite or marble countertop.

It is also the most affordable and easy to maintain sink. Bar sinks opt for stainless steel designs because of this material's resistance to corrosion over time. Thus, draining out alcohol for extended periods will go a long way.

Solid surface

This is a human-made acrylic resin that comes in many brand names- like Formica and Corian. The advantage of this material is that it is affordable. It has a look similar to that of enamel but has more durability compared to it. It can be mounted on lighter weight cabinets and countertops. It is suitable for smaller bar corners. Good quality sinks in this material can maintain their glossy finish for an extended period.


This is probably the most massive sink system that you can come across easily. It is selected for its long lifespan and sustainable demand. It may require a lot of effort for installation, but the added reinforcements are worth it.

Stone sinks maybe granite or marble. Each one has its set demand when it comes to interior fit. These sinks preserve their tone and textures over time. The countertops, however, need to be reinforced for their proper installation. They are expensive, but they will give your bar an added value.


These sinks have become increasingly common over time. They may not have variety when it comes to color and design, but they are compact. Fireclay bar sinks are either white or dramatic black in the shade. They resemble the enamel sinks but offer more resistance to scratches and stains. This makes them a suitable choice for bars.


It doesn't matter what material and design of the sink you select. This guide will enable you to install it perfectly in place. You will be able to have an operational washing system in your bar in no time. The steps are easy and straightforward enough to follow through. So, make way for a bar sink in your drinking space, for it will make your life a whole lot easier.



How To Install A Wet Bar Sink


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